Getting Started with TTO

This page will help you get started with TTO. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

Pre-req & availability



Architecture warning!

TTO Backup currently only supports a 64 bit architecture. This is due to how mutlithreading is handled and the memory space(s) that are used. I'm not aware of a way to get around this yet. Being most installs are 64 bit anymore, this may not be too much of a deal breaker, but it's worth mentioning.

TTO requires: x64 arch and .NET 4.5+

You can download release versions of TTO Backup from Github @

There is currently no setup.exe, just unzip the file you downloaded to its own directory (such as C:\TTOBackup\

When you open the program for the first time, you'll get a warning letting you know that you need to setup some options under the "Preferences" menu.


Click the "Preferences" button


Fill in the information as necessary

What’s Next

Let's begin setting up our Google Apps Domain project API!