This page is a list of changes made between published versions.
Program Release available from:
Program Source available from:
0.89 (Dec 5 2016) |
Added folder level restore support (experimental, only available on develop branch) |
Added beginning Gmail backup/restore implementation. No Gmail data is backed up yet, but TTO Backup understands how to peek into users' emails. |
0.88 (Nov 16 2016) |
Added an option to backup every user in your entire domain (not just an OU selection). |
Edited multithread tooltip to properly explain what the option does. |
First step of adding a scheduling option. No settings are present to the user at this time. |
No longer have to restart the application when changing a preference. |
Smaller bug fixes that I finally had a chance to address, which let me put visual token text boxes back on the form. |
0.87 changes (Nov 14 2016 release) |
Removed extra "for" statement |
Fixed Linq movefile() query that could stall the backup process |
Added an extra failsafe for invalid file names when looking at the user's google drive |
0.86a changes (Nov 10 2016 release) |
Fix: De-hardcoded MaxParallelism to the actual set value of threads under the "Preferences" menu |
Change: Modified a couple Thread.Sleep()'s to help further mitigate exceeding Google's API rate limits. |
0.86 changes (November 3 2016 release) |
Fixed "path too long" errors by concatenating Google file names (anything longer than 35 bytes gets a "..." at the end of the file name. This was preventing some files from being downloaded.) |
Introducing a master log file method. Log file will be located at \Logs\MasterLogFile_--...log. Not fully reporting yet. |
Added a fake "throttle" to the Parallel.ForEach() because we were getting a Google related "Rate Limit Exceeded" API error. Basically downloading too fast, had to introduce a pause for each iteration. |
Fixed issue where some rows were skipped (an error caused by using Parallel.ForEach(), had to introduce a Locking statement to increment the value, not the standard x++) |